27-06-2019INEB / i3S Interrogations at the Biointerface
ESB Endorsement Committee
Request for Endorsement for Conferences/Workshops
Please submit your request at least three months in advance of the conference.
This request is for (name of society/organization):
INEB (Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica) / i3S (Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde)
Date of Request:26/04/2019
Event Title: Interrogations at the Biointerface | 7th Advanced Summer School. Do organoids fill the in vivo / in vitro gap?
Event Theme: Complex 3D culture systems / Sophisticated tissues in a dish / Design biomaterials as extracellular matrix mimics for 3D cell culture / Organoids to mimic development and disease / Culture and analysis of organoids / Ethical implications of organoids
Date(s) of Event: 27 and 28 June 2019
Location of Event: Porto, Portugal
Event Website: https://www.i3s.up.pt/content/event?v=70#About
Contact Person: Judite Novais Barbosa
Affiliation: INEB / i3S
Address Rua Alfredo Allen, 208 - 4200-135 Porto, Portugal, +351 220 480 800, judite@ineb.up.pt
In 2019, the “Interrogations at the Biointerface - 7th Advanced Summer School” with the specific topic “Do organoids fill the in vitro/in vivo gap?” will take place in Porto, organized by i3S (Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde) / INEB (Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica) of the University of Porto.
During 10 years in a row (1999-2009), INEB has organized Summer Courses with lectures and hands-on lab sessions - the Advanced Summer Course in Cell/Material Interactions. After a short break in 2010, the Summer Schools re-emerged under the general topic of Interrogations at the Biointerface with the goal of bringing together different fields around one topic of interest.
This year edition of the Advanced Summer School will be held in Biblioteca Almeida Garret, in the beautiful city of Porto from the 27th to 28th of June, 2019. These two days will be devoted to lectures around an innovative topic – Organoids - with renowned and expert speakers. Participants are encouraged to submit their research work to be present either an oral presentation or poster. The lectures will take place in a very informal environment and participants are encouraged to participate and bring questions that can contribute to the advance of knowledge through interactive approaches.
The venue is in a library located at the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, a magic environment from the Romantic period in the late XIX century, just on the top of the city with an amazing view to the Douro river. We are sure that this atmosphere will be memorable and we believe that this course will be most valuable.>
more details hereBack