21-10-2015BIOMED 2015 - 21st International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium
Dear Cotleague,
We are organizing a 1 day meeting on 21 October,1015 in Antalya (Turkey) called 'EWAB 2015' with colleagues from East and West Asia Countries (Turkey, PR China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan) geared towards graduate students lind post docs as the main speakers. We plan this to become a rotating program between East and West Asia groups and the first is in Turkey.
On the following 3 days (22-24 October, 2015) we wilt continue with BIOMEO
2015 (International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium). lt Is the
21st of the BIOMEDs and is endorsed by BIOMATEN, the Center of Excellence in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (at METU, Ankara} and the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Society (Turkey), an affiliate of the European Society for Biomateriols (ESB).
We, as the organizers of this Symposium and the Conference aim to bring together biomateriats scientists and engineers with professionals from the device sector and medicine to communicate, exchange ideas and do networking.
An integral component of these meetings will be to bring together the researchers with people from funding institutions and regulatory bodies related to biomaterials science, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. We plan to have industrial sessions alongside the scientific presentations to discuss the obstacles in the path from bench to bedside. We extend this invitation to all the parties involved in the biomaterials field from all over the world.
Antalya is a wonderful resort in Turkey famous for its scenery, beaches, hospitality and history, and you will have time to enjoy them.
Looking forward to see you in Antalya.
Yours sincerely,
Vasif Hasirci
Conference Chair
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