ESB News

Stay tuned with the R&D world of Biomaterials, Medical Devices and Regenerative Medicine!

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Dear Colleagues,

We hope this newsletter reaches you when you are enjoying your summer time and get ready for our next ESB Conference that will be held in Krakow from 31 August to 3 September 2015. We want to provide you with a brief update about our activities that will be more comprehensively presented at the General Assembly in Krakow.


We have been working hard to promote our Society both encouraging our members to renew their subscription and attracting new members through publicity at conferences and networking events. The new online subscription system has been gradually improved in the last few months thanks to the feedback of many of you and we are happy that a consistent number of subscriptions have been approved only few months after the full activation of the system. We notice however than not all the registered members have yet taken the opportunity to create their profile in the dedicated page. We encourage you to do so as this will add value to both your research and our website.


We are pleased to say that the elections of the candidates for the ESB Council were successfully completed at the end of June. The online voting system allowed the simplification of the whole process that was very smooth and it will be now be extended to the elections of the YSF board that will be open in the next few days and will end on 24 September 2015.

The outcome of the ESB Council elections will be announced at the General Assembly in Krakow when we will give farewell to the colleagues ending their mandate and welcome the new members.


We are delighted to announce that the ESB has finalised an agreement with INGENIO, a research group at the University Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain with expertise in socio-economic studies in biomedical field. INGENIO will drive the preparation of a position paper about research translation in our field of biomaterials. As you may remember, this is an initiative aiming to promote innovation and technopreneurship that we decided to undertake in collaboration with the Presidents of the national societies for biomaterials in Europe. We hope to start the project immediately after annual conference.                            


Prof Matteo Santin

(on behalf of the ESB Council)                              Brighton, UK, July 2015                            
